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Thursday, February 14, 2013

I hate people

Why is the human race so different from the rest of the world that graciously hosts and nurtures us? We must be unnatural, because everything natural is perfect. There is no wrong in nature. Trees do not commit sin and birds do not act out of spite. Nothing in nature is purposefully harmful; even parasitic and amensalistic relationships serve purposes that maintain natural order. Anger does not exist in nature, simply fear and need. 

Humans are terrible. The human race has done nothing that benefits anyone other than themselves. One might argue, well what about animal rescues and eco-groups? Those would not be necessary if humans weren't around to have mucked things up in the first place. The world would be a much more balanced place without mankind. Nature has taken care of itself since the beginning of time, and would've been just fine without us.

Why is it we call the dark side of humanity "animalistic"? Lack of control and perverse behavior is not animalistic; it is human. Animals don't harm out of enjoyment. They harm when they need to eat or when they need to protect themselves (or perceive a need). In an animal's mind, everything is NECESSARY to survival or some semblance of comfort.

Perhaps animals can be seen as selfish since their own skins are their main concern. I would not call that selfishness, I would call it self-preservation. And they not only care about themselves, they care about their species, their pack. The difference between them and us is that we go way beyond what is necessary for our survival. We are not simply self-preserving, we are truly selfish and greedy. We want to have more than others even if it does not truly benefit us.

People are disgusting, self-destructive, and immoral by their own definition (there is no other). We are suicidal, homicidal, jealous, and hateful. All of the "great" things we've done are only "great" for people, by our own standards, which mean nothing in the natural world. A wolf does not give a damn about your building, your car, your painting, or your published articles. If anything these accomplishments only accomplish damage to his natural home and way of life.

In summary, I would like to say that I hate people. They are inherently abhorrent compared to anything else, alive or abiotic. I just hope that when I die, my atoms will be reborn into something much, much better.

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