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Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Late Nights

I've never really been one for regular sleep schedules, which I'm sure take a toll on me. But too many times I am finding myself lying awake, staring at the ceiling at some normal bed time, just thinking. I think about the world and its problems; I think of my family and friends (when I can say I have friends); I think of myself and the actions I've followed through with. Scenes from the past and the future play out like a movie in my imagination. I imagine what I will be doing 10 years from that moment and how I will look back upon it, should I remember it at all.  I'm young, and trying so desperately to figure out this world. I really don't know what I want, in terms of details and the steps required to get to where I want to be. I just know these dreams of mine are real, and everyday they become more so, until I'll finally be able to touch them in the physical world.  I realize that there are many paths to happiness, many ways to complete my goals. But right now, locking in those little details is scary.  Every day I think of ways to work toward my dreams without missing out on too much. I don't want to miss out on life.

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