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Sunday, February 6, 2011


I almost never watch sports. I just don't really have an inherent interest in a bunch of overrated people running around, playing a game.  Maybe that makes me a hypocrite, because I like watching TV and movies. Anyway, the few exceptions are as follows: the Olympics, school games in which I know the players, and the Super Bowl.  I was kind of disappointed that the Bears didn't make it this year, but I didn't lose sleep over it. I figured it would be best if the Packers won, because that would mean the Bears were possibly the second best team; had the Steelers won, the Bears would have been at least third. I didn't really care one way or the other, but I chose the Packers to root for.  I honestly didn't think they would win, because in the past, the team I've been cheering for would do really well the first half of the game, then completely choke after half time. For once, "my" team didn't choke, so that was sort of cool, I guess. My enthusiasm matches that of someone who had just won a coin toss. Not a coin toss deciding who would start on the offense in the Super Bowl, just a coin toss for the hell of it.  Despite my interpersonal distance from the game, I found it to be inspiring. You see these people living and achieving their dream, a dream they've worked so hard for.  I just think, "Yeah, one day these guys were sitting in math class, daydreaming about this day. And here they are. They made I can too." No, my dream does not involve a full contact sport, being tackled by a bunch of sweaty men tossing around a strange looking ball, wearing colorful uniforms over pads while getting way too much publicity and being grossly overpaid (and don't you dare say doctors are overpaid..have you seen the costs associated with college and medical school nowadays? What about the long hours and difficult work put into that journey? And how could you ever adequately pay someone who saves life itself?), but it's my own and just as glamorous.

Overall I was disappointed with the commercials. I liked the Mercedez-Benz one with Kanye West, the one where the cars were talking to each other, "Sheila looks good topless," and the one with the redhead teacher driving a Camaro.  I've always had a thing for M'Benz's and Camaro's, especially when being driven by attractive people. And the other one was just funny.

I hope I'm not totally lost tomorrow, because I've been gone for over a week in some of my classes. Apparently it's the 100th day of school (except not really because of about 4 snow, 96th). So here's to a quick end to the semester, success in all of your classes/work, functional regenerative therapies, and above all else, happiness and a sense of accomplishment. 

I'll see you there. How will you remember me?

1 comment:

  1. If theater is supreme, I suppose the stage ought to be grand. The Romans built forums, theaters and public baths, for one purpose only--cleansing and expression. Spiritual congregation. Apart from competition, this gauche match reflected poorly upon these pillars of entertainment. Blood drenched arenas of the past, where Men fought and perished, are now replaced by consumer stained fields. What is the moral? Where is the message? There is no longer a graphic reality to some shocking truth. Courage and caution is not tamed by the dangerous edge of death. The whole modern fervor resembles a fever, induced at will for the purpose of recognition, justification and false grandeur. Perhaps it is best, this abstract display of skill and objective, where the most pressing issue is a remote one. May be a small fortune cast to chance on a bet, some private investment of emotion, or a few hours of detraction--teasing one out of their senses--deserves some recognition for the novelty and assembly, if for nothing else. What was interesting, compelling, seductive even, concerned the choreographed dance of the individual players, a natural rhythm and fluidity, spurred by personal interpretation and a common realization. This harmonic sequence of intelligence and physiology, with the unknown touch of chance, produces a most favorable state of affairs, in which lead changes tempo the heart, turnovers stoke the pulse and exceptional plays overwhelm the soul. How odd to examine 'the game' in this way, by removing the glitz, striping away the rules, generalizing the actors and simplifying the ritual. That which is left is the eternal essence of our curiosity, to challenge boundaries, echo those challenges, institute success and mimic rapture.

    It's quite fitting, then, that I should enjoy a commercial about romantic notions. Military gentleman of a Victorian era, on a most serious over-watch duty, guarding arbitrary borders, lines drawn on sand. Shared among them--thirst, modified formalities, the concept of which stuns, by the ease with which firmly entrenched beliefs change at the whim of human wont. For a brief moment, I felt as Alice might have passing through the looking glass. Confused, by a shifting reality as one crosses the plane into a world of dreamy stupor, unsure of how something so solid could converge with something transparent. Hmm... perhaps I should blame Shostakovich, for transporting me into this realm of the beautifully estranged and the oddly exquisite.

    With full volume, I present artistic genius.

    You will be seen and remembered kind, lovely always.
