Disclaimer: I do not intend to offend anyone. I want understanding for all.. I'm just trying to express things the way I see them the best way I know how.
I don't really think there are more than two genders. I understand someone being agender, but I think non-binary people are still a combination of the two binary genders. Gender is a social construct built around expectations and norms for two sexes. Just two. Just two chromosomes, X and Y.
Any defect in sex chromosomes still contains only X and/or Y. There's no third Z chromosome. And in a similar way, I think all non-binary identities (and I mean actual, inherent identities, not the psychologically-deceived ones such as "I am physically a plant") are but some combination or absence of the two genders.
I'm not trying to say that non-binary identities don't exist, or that these are trivial or false identities. No, none of that. I support breaking down walls! But I think breaking down walls doesn't create a new population, but a combination of the two that were separated*.
*Which, yeah, I guess creates a new one, but it's still derived from the same two parents.
I guess I write because I want to immortalize my thoughts. They feel like they'll be here forever, but I know better than that. I'm a biologist. I'm also deluded enough to think my thoughts matter. But maybe one day I'll be famous, even post-mortem. Maybe I'll have some sort of grandchildren (not biological, of course) who will want to look back. Or maybe the internet will crash and all of this will be lost.
It makes me feel better in the moment though.
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