Measures are being taken to ensure success. The system will never be without flaws, but there have been safeties put in place to prevent catastrophes. The body is sentient and ever-changing, learning more and more each day. Research, maintenance, and adjustments will need to be made for the duration of the system's functioning.
As long as performance remains above 0.1% the system is classified as "functioning." Performance will fluctuate with time and circumstance. Maintaining high levels of performance for long periods of time is not required or even ideal, for it may cause a sudden and steep drop in performance. Such drops can compound and harm long term functioning. Ideal percentages of performance for prolonged functioning are between 60-75%, with periodic spikes in both directions.
With the specific nature of the system, it may be necessary to define performance. Performance is a multifaceted idea made of components that add up to the entire state known as "Performance." Performance consists of:
- Movement
- Kinetic, molecular, geographical, neural, ideological, or theoretical
- Achievement
- Academic, financial, physical, creative, interpersonal, intrapersonal
- Relative stability
- Ability to continue performing
- Motivation to continue performing
- Happiness
- Other unenumerated aspects
- Exposure to felines
- Exposure to music*
- Creative endeavors
- Expenditure of kinetic energy
- Forward thinking
- Thoughtful solitary walks, especially through cemeteries
- Caffeine intake
- Goal production, advancement, and achievement
The ways in which these methods work, as well as ways of improving them, are being investigated. Simultaneously new strategies of obtaining happiness are being studied. The goal is to maximize the effects of happiness-inducing events and to have said events be numerous enough to be available as often as possible.
It should also be noted that pure happiness is not feasible to experience at all times or for prolonged durations. Such consistency should not be expected. It is natural for happiness to drop occasionally and actually allows the system to optimize it's functioning. These moments permit the system to recalibrate and make any necessary readjustments, all part of it's sentient and changing nature. However, very low levels of happiness for long periods of time are detrimental to performance and long term functioning.
For more information, see System Manual v.1.4 pp. 10-132.