We'll have a story to tell one day. We'll talk about the crazy way we met, the coincidence that just wasn't. The way something entirely unintentional turned into furious potential. Maybe we'll talk about the way we waited for each other in every sense of the word. The way it drove us crazy, and toward each other. We'll look back and see that a break didn't mean anything was broken, only paused. Thoughts never ceased when the words did, and thoughts are the precursors to every single thing in life. Thoughts and feelings, which were present, although it took me a while to untangle all the wires of my heart and disconnect some here, plug them in there, make a strong connection to my mind which is the only thing I trust sometimes, but perhaps the most unreliable. Rose-colored goggles are real. I swear, there's a pinkish tint to everything I see and hear and feel and taste, and I know that hue comes from you. I'm drunk on love, high off of a passion for another person I never thought I'd have. Challenges are my specialty. And this one, damn, it's harder than anything I've ever done before. Isn't it funny how something so passive as waiting can be so difficult? I'm pretty sure this is a bigger trial than my USMLE's will be. It's also hard how others look on seeking justification and verification when they deserve none. Only we know how we feel and it's a shame that most people will never have what we do. But I'll wait. I was really never one for instant gratification if it meant giving up something substantially valuable. The painful time I sit through makes that moment of achievement all the more glorious.
"Summer has come and passed
The innocent can never last
Wake me up when September ends"
Wake me up when September ends"